Wednesday, November 5, 2008 | 10:16 AM
New spot
Should i change my blog space to livejournal? I still love this layout but kinda feel its a wee bit small...live journal's bigger plus i used it more often than here with all the online shooping stuff.... *ponderz*
On a side note, I really really think i should make more effort to blog....keeps my standard of written english 'sane'....Feels that its getting to a terrible standard with just because I have to tone down my english to suit the nature of my daily work. Anyway, as of last thursday 30/10 I am officially spects/lens free after soooooo long.....prob 16years of half blindness? Finally went for lasik after yearning for it so darn long which results in me being soo much poorer even though its on instalment.....i just wish either money drop down from sky ( who dosent) or all my bad debts decide to come back suddenly which is next to impossible if not why is it call bad debts? And 2 close fren weddings together this month dosent comes cheap nor does it helps to alleviate the terrible thinness of my pathetic account. *sigh*
Long straight hair-Sharp featured face-anorexic looking-Eats like a monster-Hates sports-Love kids-Loves travelling-
Shops online-Outgoing-Super talkative-Loves sleeping but stays up late-Loves slacking-Forever too soft hearted-Too forgiving-
Too easily explioted by others-Way too trusting-Plays pool but sux-Plays MJ but sux even more-Wants to speak Jap fluently
*a do ntg break*
*spring collection gucci bag*
*more shoes*
*my kunshinbo*
*a holiday*
LeAmour de Couture
deviant art
drogue designs