rain on me
Monday, April 28, 2008 | 10:36 AM


feel as if I haven been blogging for the longest time...as in the so called penning down of thoughts and feelings and everything....suppose to be doing work but just damn lazy to get around doing it...anyway GSS is starting and everything is coming all over again....just started the first lot of my overlapping shows....somehow felt that I gained even more things through this 2 promo, much more than other times because of all the things that happened with cyclobs...suddenly felt very appreaciated and touched by my staff...its like yday when tangs team treated me to coca, during some random talk we were having about work, ps and leo were mentioning about how the lenght of time im here and everything were discussing about if i like this kina job scope running around and everything and asking if i will change jobs when jenny suddenly say to me ' ay ya dont need change jobs la go everywhere work also the same one '....its like coming from her it touch me even more cas i can feel the support coming from the whole lot of them, i me an its not only what she say la but its also cas other things they mentioned....also my df promo team...damn happy and proud of them, not only because of the sales they did but because i have seen how much they have grown during the time i handle them....also feel even closer to them cas of the support they shown and how they showed that they appreaciate the effort i put in for them....its not about wanting to show off or prove my worth or show off to my staff...its just that it feels good that they recognise how much i help them and the things i do cas not everyone will understand what RMEs have to go thro...

broken heart.