rain on me
Sunday, July 29, 2007 | 9:58 AM

Post Purchase Dissonance

Post Purchase Dissonance is a marketing term used to describe the feeling of regret or anxiety in consumers after making a purchase. The level of dissonance is dependant on factors such as the amount of the purchase, the number of choices availabe, the ease with which the choice can be reversed and on individual's ability to control emotions such as anxiety. Usually, the higher the cost of the item will lead to an increase of experiencing dissonance in consumer. Also, the larger the available choices, the higher possibility of dissonance also because consumers will suffer from panic attacks that the choice they did not make seem better than what they bought. Some ways to overcome dissonance are : to reinforce the choice made by the consumer was the best choice for him/her and to make the item that was not purchase less desirable

im suffering from post purchase dissonance...damn

Saturday, July 28, 2007 | 11:05 AM

My First Time!!!

Weeee.....first time be a makeup model for makeup demostration today....had IPSA event at Tangs and i was asked to be the makeup model for Itosan ( the jap makeup artist )....was really an interesting experience cas haven do this kinda thing before...its was fun but it feels very weird too when i c one bunch of people all staring when he was doing the demo...kinda feel like a goldfish for people to stare at sia...initially both my frag staff and IPSA gers were all giggling and make exclaimations when they realised that I was their model for the day and they were even more entertained when they say me doing my hair and everything...got an even bigger reaction when they see me with all the makeup done cas i look totally like a PUNK....punk hair with makeup which everyone say should go chiong like that...some of my staff and colleagues couldnt even recognise me when everything was done...the only thing thety could do was let me see their gaping jaws...haha...the only shit thing was the bloody photographer sux to the max!! He cannot even take nice picts lor...i can take nicer picts with my own hp, dont even need his big SLR can!!!! And he dont know how to ask people to pose nicely for picts! The pose he ask us to do all turn out like shit!! Ended up the poses me and me colleagues choose turn out so much nicer than him!! Darn....this is probably the first and last time I get to do this kinda thing and he has to spoil it. Wad a kuku...

Sunday, July 22, 2007 | 11:51 AM


Been a long long time since i last blogged...couldnt use my own comp to blog even since it kana some bug which results in the crzy way my comp has been acting all these while...anyway my work days have been much quieter now that all my hectic GSS promos have ended and im enjoying my time slacking away and not doing the work that im suppose to do. Right now as im slacking away and feeling sleepy, tons of outstanding issues are hovering around waiting to be done...yet all i can think of doing now is finish my potter book, sleep to the max, phone totally leaving me in peace and spend my days nua till i happy....i yearn for those times in school when i cant wake up or if its raining or im just feeling plain lazy then i'll just call someone to help me sign attandance then skip school and sleep the day away...cant do that anymore..so freakingy sian...sometimes i wish i could slow down, yet at times i contridict myself cas time seem to pass slower when you aint rushing for anything....sianz...my mind is turing so mouldy from the lack of blogging till i cant even remember what i wanted to blog anymore....

Current yearns
  • Shopping!! shoes...bags...
  • Sleep
  • Nua
  • revamp my room

broken heart.